The Fashion Futuring Toolkit

By intertwining individual-collective, materiality-abstraction, and reality-fiction not as oppositional poles but as complementary and integrated concepts, Fashion Futuring challenges simplistic and binary mindsets and embrace uncertainty as a tool to provoke meaningful thinking towards sustainability.
Fashion Futuring can be transferred to industries where goods are subjected to cyclical style variations, such as electronics, furniture, cosmetics, and automobiles. 

This toolkit is one possible path to bridge pure imagination with critique and planning for action. You are welcome to iterate this methodology by hacking, adapting, or reinventing the tools provided according to your perceptions, intuitions, contexts, and audiences.
An image of a colorful box with morphing shapes, with the phrase "Fashion Futuring" on top. On the side, there are three cards, one of them turned up.

The Tools

An image of cards displayed in a parallel grid.
Fashion Futuring emerged from a doctoral research conducted at RMIT University Australia.
Fashion Futuring was awarded the RMIT Prize for Research Engagement and Impact (Higher Degree by Research).
Clarice Garcia, Beatriz Veríssimo, and João Pedro Freitas created the visual identity of Fashion Futuring.